CFR has an infrastructure of over 100 Attorneys on panel having direct relations all across the country who undertake various types of litigations to be filed and defended in various courts through out the country.
Detective Agencies
CFR has a network of various Detective Agencies which undertake skip tracing, verification of assets, enquiry of assets, ascertainment of Bogus/benami assets, verification of Bank accounts, movable properties, documents verification, credit verification etc. Such information is pooled for making final strategy to resolve a Non Performing Assets.
Collection Agencies
CFR has a network of around 85 Associates across the country which are basically small collection agencies having a local infrastructure, support influence and knowledge of the area in which they operate. These Agencies act as the extended arms of CFR in terms of various assignments undertaken by CFR including Collection, Recovery & Asset Reconstruction.
Chartered Accountants
A team of Chartered Accountants is employed by CFR for the various activities related to financial management, restructuring , merger, malgamation, damages, Scheme of Compromise etc. related to various assignments undertaken by CFR from time to time.
Company Secretaries
A team of Company Secretaries is employed by CFR for the various activities related to secretarial and legal compliances, Secretarial Audits, Corporate Governance. Listing Compliances and day to day affairs related to ROC, CLB , BIFR, AAIFR, MRTPC, etc. related to various assignments undertaken by CFR from time to time.
Cost Accountants
A team of Cost Accountants is employed by CFR for the various activities related to Cost Audit, Cost Analysis, Cost planning, Product Pricing, etc. related to various assignments undertaken by CFR from time to time.
Internal Auditors
A team of Internal Auditors is employed by CFR for conducting audits of various processes and systems Corporates which work to CFR from time to time.
Carbon Credit Certification
CFR also undertakes advisory services of Carbon Credit Certification as required under WTO Agreement and advises its various clients with regards to the formalities to be undertaken and the liaisoning with various authorities involved in the process.