Welcome to CFR Asset Reconstruction India Limited.. The Unique Hub of Business Solution..


Under Asset Reconstruction Services, CFR acts as Resolution Agency for asset Reconstruction Companies, Bank and Financial Institutions where CFR undertakes various Activities including due diligence negotiations, verification, due diligence possession, take over, maintenance, security, selling off and enforcement, etc. CFR acts as the power of attorney holder of the asset reconstruction companies, banks and financial Institutions who are not able to go in the market and act as their extends arms to perform and undertake all activities required for resolution if the NPAs. The scope of services offered by CFR under this also include financing fresh equity, take over of assets by investors, strip sale of assets, mergers, amalgamation, Scheme of compromise, financial management etc. The scope of activities also includes fighting cases for the Banks, financial institutions and asset Reconstruction Companies in various courts including DRT, BIFR, AAIFR.

Package to Help Sick Industrial Units :

The phenomenon of wide spread sickness of industrial units for reasons, both internal and external, is a disturbing feature of the Indian economic scene. We offer help in this sensitive of area in one or more of the following ways.

  • Commissioning of diagnostic studies.
  • Assessment of revival prospectus and preparation of the rehabilitation plans scheme of modernization and diversification-revamping of the financial and organization structure.
  • Arrange approval of the financial institution/banks for scheme of rehabilitation involving financial reliefs etc. assistance in getting soft loans from the financial institution of capital expenditure and the requisite credit facilities form banks.
  • Monitoring of rehabilitation schemes.
  • exploring possibilities of take over of sick and assistance in making consequential arrangements-negotiation with financial institutions/banks and other interest/authorities involved